My Name is Trace Butkovich. Welcome to my Cadillac Mirage
I put this
site together
initially for the purpose of selling my folks 1976 Cadillac Mirage,
in the process of digging up information, I discovered that
there really is not much information out there.
I gathered what I
could, with links from where the information was found, and stored them
here for all to view.
I’ve got to say, I do love
this car.
Growing up with my family in the car business has given me
the opportunity to drive just about everything at one point or
It’s hard to get too excited about most of the cars I’ve driven, but,
this one is no doubt special.
buy it myself if I thought I could give it the respect and care it
deserves over a lifetime, but,
I think it would be better of with a
collector of such automobiles.
If you have any questions or
something constructive to add to this website,
contact me at
or call me at
209.652.1488. I’d
be happy to talk to you.